A Journal of Wonders and Curiosities
Sparks of Wonder
Sparks of Wonder ~ Episode 15

Sparks of Wonder ~ Episode 15

{a blessing for where you are}

Welcome to Sparks of Wonder.
A tiny little podcast.
Where I share words written by me, Jo Anna Dane.

Today, I am sharing…

{a blessing for where you are}

Never doubt.
The soft petal of your being.
And how it enfolds you.
Gentle in its fire.
A tiger.
A swan.
A love.
Let it be all that it is.
Let you be all that you are.
Let yourSelf be held.
Without the rush to make anything more than it is.
More than it could be.
Because here is where you are.
And tendrils of who you are can be called in.
To you.
Offering you home in the wild.
Gifting you back what you have so generously given.

Thank you for listening.
To learn about me and what I do head over to JoAnnaDane.com
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A Journal of Wonders and Curiosities
Sparks of Wonder
My words.
Written in times before now.
Shared in tiny sparks.
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Jo Anna Dane