I stood before the shadows.
Dark and wild.
Full of a mystery that sang into my bones.
I stood.
Enrobed in shrouds.
Each woven with visions that were not born of my voice.
Visions that I clung to when there was nothing else to take their place.
They offered me vital protection from a world I had no skin for.
In time.
I found.
That those robes would tighten around my breath and fire.
Leaving me lost in the bright of day.
I stood before the shadows.
Having stumbled my way towards their shelter and shade.
Hoping for respite.
Longing for courage.
I stood before the shadows.
A casting of the light and density.
Grand and deep, yet somehow barely there for me to hold.
And still.
When they spoke.
The whole world shook.
"Let the robes fall off your shoulders.
Let them pool around your feet.
You can return to the world that lives between your hips and breath.
You can bear the scars of the wild, left red on your chest and hidden in your head.
You can stand before the wind.
Letting it wrap its tendrils around you.
Pulling you past the threshold of safety.
To the land where your eyes wish to go.
You can feel everything against skin that has never seen the dark of night before.
You can claim your realm.
And your prowess.
You can drop the amulets of old.
Into the fire.
The ones that bound you to paths well enough trodden.
But did not let you venture into the wilderness of your being.
You can open the door.
You can say goodbye to the known.
To find the thresholds and treasures and dragons of a world almost created.
You can claim The Evers for all that they are.
And all they could be.
You can give yourself the role that has always been yours.
You can have what you want.
And only if.
You let the robes fall.
Not because you can’t have it all.
But because you do not need it all.
You only need the way your magic wishes to churn.
You only need to follow the path.
Laid out before you.
Built by the everything that has danced along your being.
You only need to say yes.
And let the waves and ways do the rest.
This is the surrender.
Written upon your wrist.
This is the hallowed ground found beyond the archway.
This is the dense wonderland of love that has been asking to become through the fire that is you.
Is you.
Is and was and has always.
Been you.
All there is to do is to say yes.
All there is to do is let go.
All there is.
And so.
I pulled myself in.
I let the soft armor fall from my form.
I let it leave me bare.
But it left me.
Where has it left you?
In darkness and density…
With love and fire~
Jo Anna
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Doing so is a way that I support myself and my work in the world.
I wanted to bring a little more wonder to those who are want and are able to be paid subscribers.
Each week, I will offer something special.
Sometimes there will be messages from the mystery.
Other times, intuitive readings or ceremonial work.
Each a gift a gratitude for helping to keep my world churning.
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So yummy to hear your words in your voice 💖